Support our growth, become a sponsor
Want to know more about becoming a Gather Repertory Sponsor? Let’s start the conversation, fill out the form below to get started.
Sponsorship Benefits:
Show Supporter ($100):
Name featured in show program
Show Sponsor ($250):
Quarter-page advertisement in the show program
Invitation to the show’s opening night reception
Two (2) reserved-seating & priority tickets to the show
Season Sponsor ($1,000):
Half-page advertisement in our season’s programs
Logo on the website & newsletter for the season
Invitation to the season’s opening night receptions
Two (2) reserved-seating & priority tickets to all season shows
Gather Sponsor ($10,000):
Full-page advertisement in season’s programs
Logo on the website & all newsletters
Invitation to yearly Gatherings
Invitation to all opening night receptions
Four (4) reserved-seating & priority tickets to all shows
Special recognition in show speeches at all shows
We’d like to thank our generous supporters who make this work possible.
